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Community Conscious Leadership


Looking for real change? We facilitate the process to get you there.

After completing the Community Conscious Leadership Learning Engagement Series,
cohort members will be able to recognize their own trauma responses and engage more
consciously with tools to center themselves when triggered and strategies to become
more culturally responsive to the people they serve. The goal is to reduce all forms of
violence, rebuild trust, improve team morale, and prevent potentially liable situations. This
often leads to increased funding opportunities, promotions, better retention for people
historically impacted by systems of oppression, and more visibility through earned press.


Looking for real change? We facilitate the process to get you there.

Community Conscious Leadership
Description: Organizations often grapple with miscommunication and discord when
leaders use the same buzzwords but interpret them differently. T4T’s workshops are based
on experiential learning, its copyrighted integrated learning cohort model, and are
designed to lay a solid foundation on identity, privilege, oppression, orientation, and
intersectionality through a racial equity lens.

T4T’s Transformational Equity Framework is a crucial tool for leaders to enhance the entire
organization’s performance by prioritizing the experiences of those who have historically
borne the brunt of oppression. When interacting with the public, it’s particularly
important to prevent unnecessary trauma and violence, mitigate the risk of liabilities, and
restore communal trust.

This class provides theoretical knowledge and equips leaders with practical skills to
engage in meaningful conversations about race. Effective leadership in anti-racist work is
a necessity. In this session, participants will delve into and practice key leadership skills,
such as transforming their problem-solving approach and deepening their emotional
intelligence. Leaders will also identify their personal leadership challenge(s) and develop a
growth plan around them.

Practicing Brave Conversations
Description: As leaders consider how to approach equity work, it is imperative to
understand the historical and systemic root causes of inequities in this country. T4T leads
with race because racism creates the greatest violence, disparities, and injustice, both
historically and presently.

Participants will develop a systemic framework and understanding of racism in the U.S.,
how it operates, how it continues to persist, and what leaders can do at the individual,
team, and organizational levels to become catalysts for change. Cohort members will
reflect on real-life scenarios or case studies. Then, they will practice initiating and
responding to equity-focused conversations through role-plays and brave conversations.

Racism, Trauma, and Healing
Description: Trauma is a huge part of our lived experience and shapes how people
respond in the world. T4T will guide and support leaders in developing a shared language
and understanding of how historical, intergenerational, and cultural trauma impacts
Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color disproportionately.

In this class, T4T facilitators will guide participants through a healing-centered journey
exploring how trauma affects the human body. Drawing on Ancient Healing Traditions,
each cohort will complete a healing plan to help each member develop tools to address
the negative effects of reacting to pain and trauma. As a result, leaders will build their
capacity to engage more deeply and authentically with one another and the people they

Who is this class intended for? This course is designed for parents, teachers,
professors, administrators of service providers, government officials, civic and
advocacy organizations, K-12 schools, community colleges, universities, activists, and
any organization that is eager to discover a more comprehensive version of American

Eligibility Criteria: This course is open to everyone, with a specific focus on those
who have historically borne the brunt of racism and systemic oppression. We provide
affinity spaces upon request to ensure everyone feels included and heard.

Frequency, Duration, Time of Day, Virtual: Zoom, 1 day per week, 10-week term, 90 –
120 minutes per class with a break

Cost: $350 or 10 Weekly Payments of $40

ShenmiAkhu Pernebsati – Bio

Shenmiakhu Pernebsati’s journey began in Oakland, California, a city grappling with
the challenges of the crack era, earthquakes, fires, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. But he was
not defined by these circumstances. He was raised in a family deeply rooted in social
justice and public health. His father, an Assistant to the Mayor of Oakland, organized the
community against police brutality in his own home. His mother, a doctor who graduated
from the University of California Berkeley, instilled in him a love for learning and a passion
for making a difference in his community.

For the past 25 years, ShenmiAkhu is humbled
to have initiated various cultural rites of passage to reconnect with his ancestors, history,
and name stolen through the middle passage of slavery.

Shenmiakhu’s global perspective was significantly shaped by his international
experiences. He learned Spanish as a second language by traveling to Spain, Cuba, and
Mexico. He taught at the University of Mexico (UAEH) and is currently a college professor
in California. He joined World Learning, Inc.

with the Experiment in International Living
language immersion program, where he lived with a host family in Granada, Spain, and

studied Spanish at a nearby language institute. His attendance at the World Aids
Conference in Barcelona, hosted by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela,
was a testament to his global engagement.

ShenmiAkhu’s educational and professional journey is a testament to his
commitment to continuous learning and growth. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Spanish and Public Policy from Houston Baptist University and a Master of Arts in
Teaching from the School for International Training. ShenmiAkhu studied international
business at the University of Havana, Cuba, and later shared his knowledge by teaching
Harvard Business Case Studies at Oregon State University and the University of Delaware.

His graduation from the Business Evolution Program, sponsored by the Greater Los
Angeles African American Chamber of Commerce, indicates ShenmiAkhu’s dedication to
constantly evolving.

$350 per class or 10 Weekly Payments of $40
$1,000 = 3 class bundle


48 in stock
