Three bottles of essential oils sitting on a tray.

Essential Oils

and Optimal Health

Our ancestors in ancient Africa used plant extracts to help them live better. Today, essential oils may be used as a natural alternative for many daily activities on your path to Optimal Health.

Join us this Saturday at 6pm PDT for the free Essential Oils and Optimal Health class. Gain valuable knowledge of essential oil uses and benefits from Wellness Consultant Ray Shellmire, learn how to share with others and create income for yourself, and receive free samples.

Think About Your Daily Routine

You wake up, maybe shower, brush your teeth, and pop a few vitamins into your mouth.

Throughout the day, you complete tasks like laundry, pouring a capful of bleach into the washing machine.

Then wipe down your kitchen counter with a cleaning chemical.

Maybe you light a synthetic candle to bring an inviting smell into your house while you clean.

In the afternoon, you might feel a little sleepy, so you get a coffee or soda to give you a jolt.

In the evening, you go through your nightly routine, and perhaps you turn on a sound machine to help you sleep.

You might not realize it, but essential oils can be used to improve nearly any activity of the day.

A bottle of essential oil sitting on top of an orange.
A bottle of essential oil sitting on top of a wooden surface.
A bottle of essential oil sitting on top of popcorn.
A lemon and an essential oil bottle on a table.
A clock and an essential oil bottle on a table.
A bottle of lavender oil next to some purple flowers.

Here's how your day might go if you used essential oils:

You wake up feeling a little groggy, so you inhale Grapefruit oil for an energizing aroma.

You turn on the shower and use a little Tea Tree oil on your scalp to help your hair look fuller.

As you prepare for the day, you swallow a drop of Frankincense oil for cellular health.

You wipe the kitchen counter with Lemon oil and a rag, breathing in the clean, refreshing aroma.

You add a drop of Peppermint to your water in the afternoon to wake yourself up.

As you get ready for bed, you place a few drops of Lavender on your pillow to create a relaxing experience.

Learn more about how essential oils may be used in many daily activities.
Join us this Saturday at 6pm PDT for the Essential Oils and Optimal Health Free Virtual Class

Where Do Essential Oils Come From?

Scientists estimate that there are 390,000 plants on the Earth- with new species being discovered all the time.

Essential oils can be found in hundred of thousands of these diverse plants within the planet's colossal mountains, green valleys, leafy jungles, and vast forests.

Oils are typically produced in microscopic, specialized glands within the seeds, bark, stems, flowers, roots, wood, needles, and fruit of the plants.

The amount of essential oil that a plant produces will vary depending on the time of day, the current season or time of year, climate and environmental conditions, and predatory threats.

Ancient Times

People of ancient civilizations used entire plants, extracts, and various plant parts to make life easier, transforming the gifts of the earth into everything from textiles to remedies. Ancient people believed that the earth gave them everything they needed to solve all of their problems.

Present Day

Plants are still everywhere around us, yet with new inventions and technology, we've grown accustomed to using synthetic products rather than the gifts of nature to solve everyday challenges. Technology has made life easier, but along with technological advancements, we've seen a decline in many areas of quality of life.

Essential Oils, also known as Volatile Aromatic Compounds


A volatile compound is one that changes quickly from one state to another.


Typically, aromatic compounds have a distinct aroma and a similar chemical structure.


The bonding of two or more chemical elements.

Essential oils are scientifically referred to as volatile aromatic compounds- small organic molecules that are known to change quickly from a solid or liquid state to a gas at room temperature.

When you first open an essential oil bottle, you'll be able to smell the aroma right away; the physical and chemical makeup of volatile aromatic compounds allow them to move quickly through the air or interact with special sensors in the nose.

The type of volatile aromatic compounds found in an essential oil will determine what kind of aroma and benefits the oil has.

Essential oils will vary from plant to plant or species to species, and can even differ within botanical families.

Each plant has a special ratio of aromatic constituents that give it specific benefits and make it unique in comparison to other plants.

Take the Next Step on Your Journey to Optimal Health

Attend the Essential Oils and Optimal Health Virtual Class

Saturday at 6pm Pacific Time

Discover the benefits of essential oils

Learn how to change your lifestyle, share with others, and create income for yourself

Receive essential oil samples

Schedule a Consultation with an Independent Wellness Advocate

One-on-one, virtual appointment

Daytime, evening, and weekend availability

Determine how essential oils could give solutions to your individual health concerns

Receive essential oil samples

Explore doTerra Essential Oils

Wide variety of safe, effective, and affordable essential oils

Each essential oil indicates how it may be used (aromatically, topically, and/or internally)